Multicomponent flow benchmark on NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU. Download.

On the eve of the SC15 conference Avtech Scientific announces its cooperation with IBM and NVIDIA (both are platinum members of the OpenPOWER Foundation) in the area of high-performance scientific computing. Initial efforts will focus on comparative testing and benchmarking of the open source Advanced Simulation Library on vendors’ hardware with subsequent performance tuning. The long-term objective is to ensure ASL’s optimal productivity on the OpenPOWER platform, smooth user experience and the availability of detailed documentation of the ASL deployment procedure on all related accelerators.

First benchmark video of the ASL’s standard multicomponent flow test demonstrates impressive results, obtained on a single NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU with Intel Xeon E5-2690 10-core 3GHz serving as host. They will be used as a basis for evaluation of POWER8 performance.

Numerical setup and performance

  • number of grid points: over 10’500’000
  • number of unknowns: over 63’000’000
  • physical time: 25 s
  • number of iterations: 10’000
  • computation time: 390 s